Greenville Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyer

What Kinds of Road Hazards Should You Look for When Traveling on Thanksgiving Weekend?

No one looks forward to traveling around the holidays, but doing so is essentially unavoidable if you want to spend quality time with your loved ones. Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel days of the year, and as a result, motorists everywhere have a higher risk of getting into a fatal collision over the holiday weekend.

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According to USA TODAY, there are hundreds of driving fatalities on Thanksgiving every year. Between 2001 and 2007, for example, there were more than 500 traffic deaths annually.

Although you have no control over the other motorists on the road around you, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of causing a potentially fatal car accident. For example, you can avoid driving while drowsy, and you can make it a point to eliminate distractions whenever you are behind the wheel.

None of these tips are foolproof, though, and sadly, even the most cautious motorists can end up in a collision with someone who was not exercising the same care they were. If you were hurt in a car accident with a drunk, distracted, or reckless driver, you may be able to hold the liable party financially accountable.

To discuss your case with a seasoned car accident lawyer and determine if you have grounds for a claim, contact Churdar Law Firm. Doug Churdar has been practicing law in the state of South Carolina for 25 years. Call 864-233-0203 to schedule a case evaluation with a personal injury attorney in Greenville.

Read on to learn about some of the most common road hazards you should keep an eye out for when traveling over the holiday weekend:

Drowsy Drivers

Most families want to meet up with their relatives the day before Thanksgiving, but they don’t necessarily have that Wednesday off from work. As a result, people will hit the road after working a full shift, making them more prone to fatigue while behind the wheel

Be wary of drowsy drivers when traveling over Thanksgiving weekend. Leave plenty of stopping distance between your vehicle and the cars ahead of you, and stay away from anyone who appears to be drifting or swerving.

Impaired Motorists

Drinking and driving is common over the holidays, and many of the fatal collisions that occur on Thanksgiving involve an impaired motorist. The signs of impairment are similar to those of fatigue. If you spot anyone whom you think is intoxicated, keep your distance, and have one of your passengers report the vehicle to the local police.


With more traffic comes more opportunities for collisions. Always remain alert when traveling in heavy congestion, and be ready to stop suddenly if necessary.

Motor Vehicle Collisions

“Rubbernecking,” or turning to look at a traffic accident while passing it, is common. This is the reason why one motor vehicle collision often leads to subsequent accidents. Keep your eyes on the road ahead, regardless of what you might be passing, to avoid causing a rear-end collision.

If you were hurt in a car accident that was not your fault, contact Churdar Law Firm for quality legal guidance during every stage of the claims process. Call 864-233-0203 to schedule a consultation with a car accident lawyer in Greenville. You can learn more about collision claims in South Carolina by visiting